Thursday, October 12, 2006

What are THE DOERS all about

What they do?
If they have an idea...they go ahead and DO! it. ...
So if You have 1 share it with us...OR
do it 1st & then share it with us...
Both ways, you're a dOer!...
Could be Anything...a concept, a solution, a product,
a story, a cause, a photograph that talks, a meSSage,
BUT aLL it has to be is smart....
and made in India/indian ...
It doesn't aLL the time have to be
your own creation / design /...
It could also be somethin that You sourced /
sEEn somwhere / clicked...
done by somone else Anywhere in India
(in a viLLage maybe / strEEt...)
BasicaLLy a coLLection of :
put however~ExpreSSed it!!!
So go ahead....Be a doer, and join the group.

"THE DOERS"...A Bunch of people who always wanna do things.
Can't stay idle. Have dreams, a plan, vision, passion,
enthusiasm to express themselves.
Who maybe wanna change the world,
their country, their city, their people
Or will atleast try.

What can you do?
For Queries/InQuiries/Clever Thoughts/ Stupid Questions/
If Nothing Else just to say Hi please don't hesitate to